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Type safe, modular and intuitive API client.


REST or JSON:API backend are already covered and you may add your own implementations for any other data sources.


Foscia is composed of many independent functions, fully tree-shakable and lightweight.

Type safe

The API provides you a safe typing experience, even with edge cases such as dot relations used for eager loading.

Define your models

Foscia provides a simple and expressive way to define your models, which may combine attributes, relations, custom properties/methods and even composable definitions.

import { makeModel, attr, hasOne } from 'foscia/core';
import publishable from './composables/publishable';
import type User from './User';
import type Tag from './Tag';

export default class Post extends makeModel('posts', {
title: attr<string>(),
content: attr<string>(),
author: hasOne<User>(),
tags: hasMany<Tag>(),
}) {
get fullTitle() {
return `${this.title} by ${} on ${this.publishedAt}`;

Discover actions' capabilities

The action() factory provides an easy way to interact with any data source. Possibilities are endless and provided set of functions is wide.
Not a fan of functional programming? You can even plug functional capabilities onto your actions to get a class alike call style!

import Post from './post';
import action from './action';

// The good old builder pattern way!
const post = await action()
.find(Post, 123)
.include('author', 'tags')

fill(post, { title: 'Hello World!' });

const updatedPost = await action()