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Command Line Interface

What you'll learn
  • Initializing Foscia on your project
  • Creating files related to Foscia (models, composables, etc.)


The Foscia CLI is directly provided by Foscia, making it available inside any project where foscia package is installed.

To install Foscia, read the installation guide.


The Foscia CLI is directly provided by Foscia, making it available inside any project where foscia package is installed.

The foscia command can be called from command line once Foscia is installed. When called without arguments, it will list available commands.

Usage: foscia <command> [options]

init <path> Initialize foscia configuration and files.
make:model <name> Create a model file.
make:composable <name> Create a composable file.

--version Show version number. [boolean]
--help Show help. [boolean]
-c, --config Path to a custom configuration file. [string]


foscia init <path>

foscia init src/api

Initialize the Foscia CLI configuration file and create an action factory. The command will ask you multiple things about your project to set up an adapted Foscia CLI environment.

foscia make:model <name>

foscia make:model post

Create a Foscia model using the name argument. The command will infer the model type, class name and file name over the name argument.


You can print the generated code (instead of writing a file to the disk) using the --show option.

foscia make:composable <name>

foscia make:composable publishable

Create a Foscia composable using the name argument. The command will infer the file name over the name argument.


You can print the generated code (instead of writing a file to the disk) using the --show option.


Foscia CLI uses a configuration file which help generating files correctly for all make:* commands using many options, such as:

  • Path to store your files
  • Language you are using (TS or JS)
  • Modules organization (ESM or CommonJS)
  • etc.

This configuration can be set up using foscia init <path> command and will be stored in a .fosciarc.json.

Available options

Example of a Foscia CLI configuration:

"path": "src/api",
"alias": "@/api",
"usage": "jsonapi",
"language": "ts",
"modules": "esm"

Description of each configuration options:

pathstringDirectory to put your Foscia files in (action factory, models, etc.)
aliasstring|undefinedAlias to use when importing models in files (instead of relative import path).
usage'jsonapi'|'jsonrest'|undefinedYour usage of Foscia for this configuration.
language'ts'|'js'The language to use when generating files.
modules'esm'|'commonjs'The modules organization to use when generating files.
tabSizenumberThe tab size to use when generating files (defaults to 2).

Multiple configurations

Using a configuration file also allow you to use multiple configurations files for multiple purposes (e.g. one for your client-side, another for your server-side).

To init a multiple configurations setup, you can call init with a config option:

foscia init --config=.fosciarc.api.json

Once your configuration is set up, you can run other commands using the same config option:

foscia make:model --config=.fosciarc.api.json Post